Thip Samai pad thai Bangkok, Thailand

The best places to eat & drink in Thailand

From the classic pad thai and mango sticky rice to western dishes and epic…

Giant swing at sunset, Bangkok, Thailand

10 things you must do in Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok really does have a little bit of everything, from brilliant shopping…

5 things to know before working a ski season

The winter season in Europe is fast approaching and the allure of blue sky…

The road to Death Valley, California USA

The Ultimate 3 week California road trip: Part 3

In part 2 of the Ultimate 3 week California road trip we travelled from San…

Emerald Bay in South Lake Tahoe, California USA

The Ultimate 3 week California road trip: Part 2

After an incredible first week on our 3 week California road trip exploring…

Central california roadtrip USA

The Ultimate 3 week California road trip: Part 1

In 3 weeks we drove over 2000 miles across California, Nevada and Arizona.…

Skiing in Mayrhofen, Austria

Skiing in Mayrhofen, Austria: A resort review

With the rain slashing against the airplane window it was clear that we had…

View from the top of Half Dome Yosemite, California USA

Climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park

Deep in Yosemite Valley lies Half Dome, the huge rock formation that frequents…

View from the top of Snowdon, Wales UK

A guide to climbing Snowdon, Wales

There really is something quite incredible about the fact that you can drive…