During the two weeks we spent in Japan we made sure to try as many traditional and local dishes as humanly possible. We travelled across the country, spending time in Tokyo, Lake Kawaguchiko (Mt Fuji), Osaka and Kyoto and each day tried a new dish whether it was on the street, in a restaurant or even from 7-11. Given the fact that I (Lorna) cannot stand fish, sushi, which is often the first dish thought of, was quite literally off the table. So here you have it, our top 10 traditional foods to try in Japan, that aren’t sushi – let’s dive right in. 

1: Okonomiyaki

Okonomiyaki was one of our favourite traditional foods to try in Japan. We had Okonomiyaki multiple times in different locations and were never disappointed. It is a Japanese style pancake made from a wheat based batter, shredded cabbage, vegetables and meat or fish topped with bonito flakes or nori and condiments (including mayonnaise). The word ‘Okonomi’ means ‘how you like it’, meaning that there are no set toppings or fillings and options may include everything from prawns to pork belly. 

Traditional Japanese food, Okonomiyaki

2: Hoto

Local to the Yamanashi prefecture, hoto is a hearty noodle dish that is believed to have been eaten by Takeda Shingen, the regional warlord and his samurai before going into battle. Served in an iron hot pot, this traditional dish combines hoto noodles, a miso broth and large pieces of vegetables such as pumpkin, squash and mushrooms to make a hearty and filling vegetarian meal.

Traditional Japanese food, Hoto 1
Traditional Japanese food, Hoto-2

3: Ramen

Ramen is one of those dishes that is known and loved across the world. It’s a noodle soup consisting of wheat noodles in a broth with miso or soy and toppings such as sliced pork, nori and boiled egg. Each region of Japan has its own variation of ramen which differ in toppings and the type of broth. The dish can be found everywhere from street stalls to sit down restaurants and tends to be a really budget-friendly meal.

Traditional Japanese food, Ramen

4: Donburi

Donburi is another one of our favourite dishes and one we enjoyed many times during our trip through Japan. The traditional Japanese dish is essentially a rice bowl with varying toppings from chicken and egg (Oyakodon) to pork cutlet (Katsudon) and if you’re feeling brave, maybe try Unadon, which is grilled eel donburi. 

Traditional Japanese food, Donburi

5: Tempura

Possibly one of Japan’s most famous dishes, tempura is made from meat, fish or vegetables that are coated in batter and deep fried. The dish was introduced to Japan by the Portuguese in the 16th century and continues to be popular to this day.

Traditional Japanese food, Tempura
Traditional Japanese food, Tempura 2

6: Yakitori

Yakitori translates to grilled (yaki) chicken (tori) but can be essentially any grilled skewer. The whole of the chicken is used, with skewers on offer with everything from chicken breast to gizzards and other organs. Often served as an appetiser in bars rather than a main course in a restaurant, it’s a great dish to try with a cold Japanese beer or sake after a long day of exploring.

Traditional Japanese food, Yakitori skewers
Traditional Japanese food-Yakitori menu

7: Tonkatsu

Tonkatsu are deep fried pork cutlets that are often served on rice (Katsudon), with shredded cabbage or alongside curry rice. It is found all over the country and can even be found in 7-11s for a really budget-friendly lunch on the go.

8: Gyoza

Gyoza are one of our favourite traditional foods to try in Japan. These little dumplings are stuffed with diced vegetables and ground meat and are then either steamed or fried. Served as a side dish or even as a main course alongside other dishes, they make for a fantastic light dinner or lunch. 

Traditional Japanese food, Gyoza-1
Traditional Japanese food, Gyoza-2

9: Udon

Udon are thick Japanese wheat flour noodles that can be served both hot and cold. Finished off with a variety of different toppings from tempura to tofu, there’s an udon noodle dish out there for everyone. It actually turned out to be one of our go to dishes whilst exploring the country and remains a solid favourite to this day.

10: Dango

Whilst Japan isn’t known widely for their desserts or sweets, there are some great authentic ones to try. They’re not as sweet as English or American desserts and are often served alongside a hot cup of green tea. Dango is a great traditional Japanese dish to try, is very cheap and can be found on street stalls, in sweet shops and convenience stores. The small, chewy steamed dumplings typically served on a skewer are made of rice flour and topped with either a sweet sauce or bean paste.

Traditional Japanese food, Dango 1
Traditional Japanese food, Dango 2

To this day, Japan is one of our favourite countries we’ve been to for the food, culture and scenery. As with any trip to a new country, the food is always such a large part of the experience and Japan certainly delivers. The food is varied, delicious, fairly priced and there are so many dishes out there to try whether you’re a lover of seafood or not. These are just 10 of the traditional foods to try in Japan, but there are so many more! 

What are some of your favourite Japanese dishes? Let us know in the comments.

Happy adventuring,


Top 10 traditional foods to try in Japan_PIN


We have a whole vlog series on youtube from our trip to Japan – check them out over on our channel by clicking below.